Sustainable together

Can you participate in an event while also contributing to a sustainable future? With us, you can. By making conscious and sustainable choices together with you and other exhibitors and visitors, we can ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to appreciate and benefit from all that an event has to offer.

Here you can learn more about how to contribute to a sustainable future by making conscious choices:

Tips for visitors      Tips for exhibitors

Sustainable Initiatives at Scanpack

Scanpack has a responsibility to create long-term, sustainable value – now and in the future. Here are some examples of initiatives we are undertaking at Scanpack to continue moving towards a more sustainable world:

    • Scanpack promotes sustainable development by bringing together industry players for knowledge exchange and collaboration. When different stakeholders meet and collaborate, ideas and new solutions emerge that drive sustainable development forward.
    • We now follow Svenska Mässan Gothia Towers’ checklist at Scanpack to improve sustainability in all fair projects. We have undergone several certifications, including ISO 20121, to ensure high sustainability standards in environmental, social, and economic aspects. The certification covers our entire venue, including hotels, spas, food and beverages, fairs, meetings, and events.
    • Water stations for reuse: to reduce the use of disposable bottles, we offer water stations where visitors can refill their own water bottles.

Sustainability at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center and Gothia Towers

In 2023, we made substantial progress in our sustainability work. Our roadmap towards Net Zero were developed, alongside other concrete initiatives that move us forward. Read more in our Sustainability Report 2023.

Read the sustainability report

Want to learn more?

Learn about our work to promote sustainability at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

About our work to promote sustainability